Exciting News: Waymark Joins Ascent Technologies!
We are pleased to announce that Waymark has been acquired by Ascent Technologies, a leader in compliance obligations management and automation solutions for financial services. The combined strengths of Ascent and Waymark will pave the way for groundbreaking compliance automation solutions that empower financial services firms to navigate the regulatory landscape with confidence, efficiency, and lower costs.
Learn more about the acquisition here.

Proactive Compliance for Tomorrow's Companies.
Navigate the complex world of regulations with ease - our proactive compliance platform guides you every step of the way.
Reduce Risk, Optimise Performance.
Who We Work With
We support businesses in all Industries who need to:
keep up to date with the latest regulatory changes
streamline their manual, spreadsheet-laden processes
manage the risks of non-compliance with proactivity
Waymark supports the following compliances
Financial Services Compliance
Insurance Compliance
Data Privacy Compliance
ESG Compliance
IT Compliance
User - Defined Compliance
The process of meeting all regulatory requirements can be costly and time-consuming. Waymark’s regulatory change management platform streamlines this process by providing enriched regulatory content from across the globe and an intuitive workflow in a single, powerful solution. With this tool, you can confidently demonstrate to your board and regulators that you are actively managing regulatory changes.
Take the manual work out of checking the information sources that are key to compliance in your business.
Stay on top of requirements with on demand regulatory content
Proactively monitor by themes, industry, region or doc type
Quickly review new or revised laws and regulations, new consultation papers and more. All delivered via automated daily feeds focused on your preferences
An easier way to know which rules apply to you and to understand if they are changing.
Relevant obligations are extracted and classified from regulatory rulebooks, quickly identifying requirements that would take many man-hours to extract and understand
Link your obligations to accountabilities, controls, policies and KPIs so that when obligations change, there is easy identification of the areas needing review within your business
Streamline action with tools for collaboration, and automation.
Pre-configure workflow templates to modify and create new, custom workflows to address specific needs
Automate stakeholder distribution
Instant reporting to identify the state of play of compliance change activities
What our customers are saying
“Prior to having access to this service, the time taken to set up a series of deconstructed regulatory documents was measured in 'man-months', now it is measured in 'man-hours'. “
— Tier 1 Advisory Firm
“These days consultants can't live without tools like Waymark.”
— Michal Kratochvil, Former Director Accenture Consulting
“A significant value-add for both our clients, as well as our own consulting teams, the Waymark software is providing a complete word-tagged and cross-linked set of regulatory documentation. Our ability to quickly made any body of regulations available, uniquely differentiates our market offering.”
— Associate Director, Top Tier Consulting Firm